What was
Once Lost:
Re-lighting the Lamp of Your Soul
When I was younger, space and time appeared to
move slowly. I danced through life making a series of bad choices countered at
times by good karma. I did everything I thought other people wanted me to do
and beat myself up when I made choices that disappointed them. I was also not
genuine nor living an authentic life. I was ‘being’ who everyone thought I
should be and lost sight of who I was destined to be. But the death of so many
of my friends and the many changes in my own life, made me realize just how important
it is to create the life you want to live. We are here on this planet for only
a brief shining moment. Our light, no matter how bright it shines, is
extinguished and others are left to carry the torch. But what happens when you
cannot see your light? What happens when your lamp has been extinguished? Can
you find your way back? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’, but you may have to
pull yourself from the very depths of despair to shine. I wrote this very
personal blog for anyone who may find themselves wanting to shine again.
One day I woke up alone. I no longer earned an income.
In fact, I owned less than half of the possessions I had accumulated just five
years prior. My resources were beyond limited. I had been dismissed from my two
jobs within a span of 4 years. The first job tested every ounce of my patience,
left me bitter, and on anti-depressants. The second job overwhelmed me with
work and then dismissed me when I expressed that I needed my personal time to
pursue my own life interests and could no longer have a job that consumed my
evenings and weekends. To add insult to injury, my relationship deteriorated, I
was forced to move from my apartment and my car was repossessed. These events felt
more devastating than anything else in my entire life. I learned very quickly
who my true friends were- those who love your laughter, don’t always have
patience for your tears. Only true friends will stand by you when you are in a
state of sadness. I cried…a lot. I didn't love me anymore and felt incapable of
loving anyone else.
At some point I wondered why me? I considered
myself a ‘good’ person. I had been generous and kind. But then it occurred to
me, why not me? I wasn't leading an authentic life. Although I had a strong
work ethic, I was haughty about my private indiscretions and boastfully bragged
about them. I needed a big dose of
humility and the universe saw fit that I was humbled in multiple ways that
knock me down several pegs.
See I have always known that I needed to work on
certain areas of my life, but there were other areas that I never thought needed work. I spent a great deal of time in denial. I was trying to convince
myself that I was ‘alright’, but I wasn't. Nothing I seemed to do pulled me
from what I now recognize was a mental breakdown. I had seen it happen to my
friends and past lovers, but now it was my turn and there was no one there to
help me put on my oxygen mask. No one was there to hold my hand.
Then I did something I had never done before. I began
introspectively thinking about the paths that lead to where I was on my
journey. My life had always been in motion. I ran from everything I feared. I
realized I needed to sit still and just ‘be’. I needed to quiet the voices in
my head that made me afraid. I needed to let myself off the cross for not being
a good partner, for not having a job, for not honoring my body…I needed to let
go of some things. Most importantly, I had to let go of my ego and need to
control the outcome of situations and circumstances.
When I was able to quiet my spirit, an amazing
thing happened. The sadness and fear that overwhelmed my life and space lifted its
shadow of darkness. I felt renewed and had more clarity than ever. I began to
read and write again. I also begin to address my fears of being settled and
aging. I paid close attention to my mind, body and spirit. I began to peel away
the layers of despair to find who I really was. I learned to love myself and to
accept my flaws and idiosyncrasies.
When the dust cleared, I realized that I was still
worthy of love and capable of loving. I felt stronger and more capable as an authentic
spirit. I recognized that the kinder
gentler side that I showed to others, I now needed to show toward myself. I
needed to pamper myself more and encourage myself to follow my dreams and
reconnect with myself as a writer and artist. I realized that I could not
compromise myself and my happiness for anyone else. Self-sacrificing behavior
will render a strong person weak in all the wrong ways. But that was the first
half of my life.
So here I am at 48 years old with more white-hair
than my mother, but healthier and more at peace than ever. I feel like a fresh
new bud, waiting for the sun to tease it open. I know that the second half of
my life will be about loving and not about possessions. I have learned that I
can survive on a lot less. I have no desire, but to own what I need and to
dismiss much of the frivolity and anxiety connected to ‘living to work’. I now
prefer ‘working to live’. This new beginning is so liberating. I feel like I am
finally living on my own terms. I found a way to light my lamp again!
During my
struggle in a darkened space, I adopted the following affirmations that may
help you if you find yourself trying to find your light.
- Begin each new day with a mediation of gratitude. Not everyone has the blessing of this day. Take stock of who you hold dear and express your gratitude for ports in the storm.
- Take care of your WHOLE self. Remember to attend to your mind, body and spirit. Exercise, eat healthy, and rid your mind of self-limiting thoughts. You cannot rise up if you cannot let go. Make a commitment to you and your health.
- Reduce stress and worry. A wise person once said, “Worry is a down payment on tomorrow’s trouble.” Don’t waste precious time fretting about tomorrow because if you do, you just wasted today.
- Be aware of the thoughts you cultivate. Negative thoughts will not grow positive seeds. Your thoughts can either make you or break you. Say kind words of encouragement to yourself.
- Be aware of the beauty that surrounds you because it is a reflection of you. Every day we walk this earth, we hold up the mirror of our souls. What you send out into the universe, reflects back on you.
- Stay peaceful even when confronted with anger, resentment and disdain. According to the I Ching, if the center is not still, outer movement is unpredictable. Stand firm in who you are and meet anger with kindness. Remain centered and you will become more aware and good things will be attracted to you.
- Before speaking ask yourself, is it true, is it kind, is it necessary. All three must be true in order for you to speak into someone else’s life.
as much and as deeply as possible. If
you are able to commit to loving you, all else will fall into place…Here’s
to relighting your lamp!
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